Das Karriere Raketen Team
You are unique - and at Karriere Raketen we recognize that. Our team of highly qualified experts brings a diverse range of experience from different professional fields. This broad expertise enables us to develop individual solutions that are tailored precisely to your needs.
We understand your goals and challenges. Together we work to emphasize your strengths and overcome possible weaknesses. Our goal is to offer you the best possible support to promote your professional success.
One of our strengths lies in the diversity of our contacts and experiences. We use this network to give you access to a wide range of opportunities. In addition, we offer flexible online coaching sessions so that you can use our services from anywhere in Germany.
Your success is our mission. The dedicated and versatile team at Career Rockets is focused on accompanying you on your individual journey and giving you the tools for successful professional development.
Florian Köttig
Florian Köttig is the managing director of KRG Karriere Raketen GmbH and has worked as a lecturer for renowned training institutions such as TÜV since his early days. In his further career, he founded several successful companies after completing his master's degree in business management at the Technical University in Wildau. He has also gained experience as a certified trainer. Now he would like to pass on his knowledge and experience from the past.
Georgia Wack
Georgia Wack is an extremely competent and experienced coach and at the same time an expert in the field of human resources management. By regularly attending further training courses, she keeps her specialist knowledge up to date. Her commitment and professional authority have earned her great international recognition. As a manager, she is a role model and motivates her employees to achieve top performance. She has conducted numerous application processes in her life, which is why she has a broad knowledge of the application segment with her many years of professional experience, her bachelor's degree in business law and the successful completion of the trainer aptitude test.
Jérôme Wedler
Jérôme Wedler is a talented content creator with a special gift for photography and videography. In addition to his creative talent, he has solid pedagogical qualifications, having successfully completed his master's degree in teaching in 2018. Since then, he has been self-employed and also supports the Karriere Raketen team as a freelance coach. With his diverse expertise and commitment, he brings a breath of fresh air to the world of social media and helps people achieve their professional goals.
Giada Mattert brings her many years of expertise as a personal trainer in the sports sector to her professional advice. With a solid understanding of motivation and discipline, she supports her clients in setting and consistently pursuing professional goals. Through her sporting past, she creates a connection between physical fitness and professional success by integrating principles such as endurance, teamwork and determination into the coaching process. Her holistic approach helps clients to grow not only professionally but also personally. Her commitment, professionalism and professional experience make her a valuable employee in our company.
Giada Mattert
Nils Fuehrling
With over six years of professional experience in online marketing, Nils Führling adds another segment to our broad team of coaches. His expertise in the areas of SEO, SEA and CRM as well as social media marketing not only offers our clients an excellent basis for professional development, but also gives our customers interesting insights into alternative career paths. In his private life as a boxing trainer, he transfers values such as discipline, responsibility and motivation into his coaching sessions in order to actively support participants in achieving their professional goals.
Marina Druzhov
Marina Druzhkov has 7 years of experience in marketing, sales and operations. In her previous roles, she has successfully increased the visibility and engagement of initiatives. Her extensive expertise in event coordination, including logistics and budget management, enabled her to ensure high participant satisfaction. Her skills in managing website and social media content ensured consistent communication. Through precise market analysis, she optimized marketing campaigns and maximized their reach in close cooperation with stakeholders. In her current position as a systemic coach, Marina uses her extensive experience to help teams and academics to efficiently pursue and sustainably achieve their professional and personal goals. Her holistic approach, combined with her keen eye for optimization potential, supports participants to grow both professionally and personally.
Sven Pioch
Sven Pioch ist ein erfahrener und zertifizierter Existenzgründungs- und Krisenberater, der seit über 15 Jahren Gründerinnen und Gründer auf ihrem Weg in die Selbstständigkeit begleitet. Mit einem Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und ständiger Weiterbildung bringt er nicht nur tiefes Fachwissen mit, sondern auch ein praxisnahes Verständnis für die Herausforderungen, vor denen Gründer stehen. Seine Expertise reicht von der Businessplanerstellung bis hin zur strategischen Ausrichtung von Start-ups – und das immer mit einem klaren Fokus auf den langfristigen Erfolg seiner Klienten. Besonders hervorzuheben ist seine enge Vernetzung in der Gründerszene, die seinen Kunden Zugang zu wertvollen Ressourcen und Kontakten ermöglicht. Als langjähriger ehrenamtlicher Juror beim Businessplanwettbewerb Berlin-Brandenburg und Fachexperte auf der Gründerplattform kennt er die Erwartungen von Investoren und Förderern genau. Er versteht es, individuell auf die Bedürfnisse und Ziele der Gründer einzugehen und sie mit maßgeschneiderten Strategien durch die verschiedenen Phasen der Gründung zu begleiten. Sein Beratungsstil ist praxisnah, strukturiert und lösungsorientiert – mit einem klaren Fokus auf die nachhaltige Entwicklung von Geschäftsideen.
“Self-knowledge is the beginning of all wisdom.”